Autumn a Time to Cleanse
Autumn Cleanse In Giullia Ender's book on the 'Gut' she describes our intestinal lining, when viewed from under a micro scope, as looking like a forest. She explains, our intestinal villi look just like the trees of a forest. At this time of year the leaves are falling from the trees preparing for the retreat of winter. We can think of this as happening within our gut lining, mirroring the outside world. To support this clearing out phase of our gut lining, we can eat foods with an astringent property. Celery is one of these foods with an astringent property and is an excellent vegetable to have at this time of year (and it is in full season). Instead of juicing make celery soups to keep you warm and nurtured. Having this in the morning will ride your daily rhythm of cleansing as well as the seasonal rhythm of clearing your digestive gut lining. If you apply this throughout autumn you may find that clearing your digestive track can help reduce bloating and strengthen your immune system. If you feel you need more support in this process there are courses being run to guide you through this transition. See this link Or for recipes on celery soup follow this link…/d14591_d66eb6d208a64d4ea6fc2ae…