Landing Technique when Running
This is one area of debate – to land on your heel or the ball of your foot?
It took about a year to change my style to landing on the ball of my foot instead of my heel. It changes everything – a whole different group of muscles are engaged and for an experience runner it takes a lot of patience and an open mind to change your style. This is how Mo Farah runs – could his style convince you? I occasionally run on my heels just to notice the difference it makes. If you jumped from a great height would you land on your heels? Landing on the ball of your foot helps engage many springs in your body to soften an impact. This can be a more helpful way to run without injury and engaging the springs helps revitalise the cells in your body.
Landing on your heel, even with cushioning in your trainers, does not revitalise the cellular electromagnetic field so effectively as landing on the ball of your foot. This is a key area in our modern technology age and is really at the heart of our health.
Landing on your ball of your foot revitalise the cellular electromagnetic field which is a key area in our modern technology age.​